On Du, 16 iun 13, 19:27:42, Whit Hansell wrote:
> Just a suggestno.  I  had the same problem w. my win7 laptop trying
> to put Debian on it.   I shrank the W7 hd size using live CD of
> gparted and then formatted the balance of the drive as ext 3 I
> believe. Then installed LMDE on the new ext3 partition.  The
> ethernet card was recognized immediately and the install went great.
> Once that is done you can do a total dist-up[grade of debian and it
> will supposedly be a plain Debian install.  the LMDE is Llinux Mint
> Debian Edition whihc is the rolling "testing" version of Linux Mint
> w. the Debian Testing as the backbone.  You should be able to change
> the sources list to Wheezy or leave it at testing and go nuts.

Sorry to be the naysayer, but there are several problems with this 

1. Changing distros like this is dangerous. It's impossible to tell 
which customization, however minor, can have strange effects on the 
final result. If it breaks you get to keep both pieces.

2. Because of 1. you will hardly get any support from either community 
(LMDE or Debian) for your install and it's quite likely Debian and LMDE 
Developers will close bugs without further investigation as soon as you 
describe your install.

3. Even if this succeeds you end up with Debian testing, not stable. 
This is hardly a good idea for people new to Debian (or even Linux in 

You might also want to watch Robert Wuhl in "Assume the Position 201" 
talking about "based on...".

Kind regards,
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