On 06/17/2013 05:21 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Du, 16 iun 13, 19:27:42, Whit Hansell wrote:
Just a suggestno.  I  had the same problem w. my win7 laptop trying
to put Debian on it.   I shrank the W7 hd size using live CD of
gparted and then formatted the balance of the drive as ext 3 I
believe. Then installed LMDE on the new ext3 partition.  The
ethernet card was recognized immediately and the install went great.
Once that is done you can do a total dist-up[grade of debian and it
will supposedly be a plain Debian install.  the LMDE is Llinux Mint
Debian Edition whihc is the rolling "testing" version of Linux Mint
w. the Debian Testing as the backbone.  You should be able to change
the sources list to Wheezy or leave it at testing and go nuts.
Sorry to be the naysayer, but there are several problems with this

1. Changing distros like this is dangerous. It's impossible to tell
which customization, however minor, can have strange effects on the
final result. If it breaks you get to keep both pieces.

2. Because of 1. you will hardly get any support from either community
(LMDE or Debian) for your install and it's quite likely Debian and LMDE
Developers will close bugs without further investigation as soon as you
describe your install.

3. Even if this succeeds you end up with Debian testing, not stable.
This is hardly a good idea for people new to Debian (or even Linux in

You might also want to watch Robert Wuhl in "Assume the Position 201"
talking about "based on...".

Kind regards,
I agree totally with everything you've written. I came into linux using Lindows to get used to the idea of linux, then switched to debian Sarge when it came out as I had been unable to ever get woody going. Sarge worked w. my limited knowledge. Ever since it has been search and hunt and ask questions and still is. My background is accounting but love linux as an OS and use W only when I need it for certain things. I posted the previous knowing full well that someone woujld bring up intelligent and knowledgeable comments on my post. Then the person(s) who would read the thread would learn from all of us.

I've been thru every upgrade since sarge and done new install on every one of them until I did the multiboot on my laptop using LMDE. As I said, I have not done the total upgrade to the new stable Wheezy and fought the unknown problems it WILL bring. That is for the near future but it is possible to get a usable debian multiboot system running doing as I mentioned. Otherwise it's doing a lot of searching and trying to even get the wifi or Ethernetcard even running.

Anyway, to the OP, learn to search and find answers before you step into it and even ask for help. Remember that even Window is a learning curve. Linux is not really different, just different. I truly hate Windows because everytime I update w. as little as 50 or 100 mb it will normally take 20 minutes to 45 minutes or more to do the update and that''s with often more than one restart. The same or more file size updates/upgrades in debian will take maybe 5 to 7 minutes w. no restarts at all. And updates/upgrades usually need not be done more than once a week. I used to schedule my stable update/upgrades for Tuesday afternoon and it took 3- to 5 minutes max and then back to work. With testing it's been every day but that's the fun of it.

Linux is a mindset difference. You can stay with Windows and have Bill Gates et al, require you to change your hardware and OS at their whim or keep your curren hardware and change your OS when you want to after you learn the Linux concepts. Linux is stable. Learn it and it's concepts and enjoy. Or have fun w. W8 and trying to find out where to go once you hit the power on button. Just laffin since I know so many people who are just lovin' W8.

Andrei forgive my rant. LInux is a learning curve but well worthtit in the long run. Thank you so much for your help and everyon's help on the User group.


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