François Patte:
> ATTENTION : les paquets suivants n'ont pas été authentifiés.
>   deb-multimedia-keyring
> Faut-il installer ces paquets sans vérification (o/N) ?
> OK! it seems to be "normal" because the right keyring is not installed...

Exactly. Your apt is missing the key required to verify the package's
integrity. In this case, the package contains the required key to
validate itself.  Essentially, you have a chicken and egg problem.

> So I said yes...
> 2- Then I ask for installing libdvdcss2, and:
>  ATTENTION : les paquets suivants n'ont pas été authentifiés.
>   libdvdcss2
> Faut-il installer ces paquets sans vérification (o/N) ?

This should only happen if you did not run 'apt-get update' after
installing the new key.

> I uninstalled everything.... But is there a way to securely install
> libdvdcss?

As described above, you need a starting point which you define as
"secure". This is usually the step where you decide which keys you trust
(by installing them into apt's keyring). What you can do is to install
the (unverified) keyring package and use 'apt-key finger' to see the
fingerprint of the new key. You can then fetch the key from other
sources and inspects its signatures.

In public I try to remain calm and to appear perceptive.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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