Goren Buckwalk wrote:
> Pics I can do. However, the angles a bit rough, me leaning on one
> leg, system is up and running at the end of rack near the wall,

Oh those photos were difficult!  :-)  But I think you definitely have
the bad capacitor problem.  Read about it here.


Compare the pictures for the bulging top of the capacitors in the
wikipedia article to the ones on your board.  But note that the
wikipedia picture is about the worst you will see which is why they
made a good text book photo.  Here is a photo from one of my LCD
monitors that had the bad cap problem.  As you can see they are not as
bad as what is on wikipedia.


But those in my pictures are still bulging significantly.  I replaced
them.  This fixed the monitor.  I have actually repaired five LCD
monitors all with similar bad capacitor problems.  Now whenever anyone
has a bad LCD monitor that they think they should scrap out I pop it
apart and look to see if it is an easy repair or not.

> Shaky shot of the worst of the three, other two hidden by CPU:
> http://s2.postimg.org/lbrkej89l/DSCN1309.jpg
> (full size)

You needed a tripod if anyone did!  :-)  Really hard to see but look
at the tops of the cans of the capacitors.  Are they puffed up even
just a little?  If so they they are bad and should be replaced.

> http://s8.postimg.org/i33u96j5h/DSCN1307_smaller.jpg

The reflection in the shiny part of the case actually looks more in
focus than the direct image!

If you don't feel comfortable replacing them yourself I am sure that
you could find an electrically inclined friend that would do it for
you if you bought the parts.  Hard to say but probably less than
$20USD in parts.  Caps that size are not cheap.  I am always shocked
by how much parts cost and you have many of them on your board.

Know any ham radio operators?  I am sure that among that group you
would find someone who would be able to help you with the soldering.
This is really the easiest of the repairs on circuit boards.


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