On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 06:02:33AM +0530, Anubhav Yadav wrote:

||  > The '-query' option to xrdb is useful. Interesting you used your original
||  > .Xresources rather than one modified in the light of your experience. :)
||  That;s because I want my .Xresources to work, I had made colorscheme
||  changes to it!
||  Here is the complete .Xresources that I am trying to use
||  http://paste.debian.net/88298/
||  The only thing that works for me is "xrdb -load .Xresources" and "xrdb
||  .Xresources"

This suggests that the resources that are loaded into your X server
by default contain settings with a higher priority than your own
.Xresources. The xrdb -merge merges your settings, but leaves the
higher priority resources there as well, so your settings seem to have
no effect. The xrdb -load throws away all settings including the higher
priority ones, thus letting your settings take effect.

Use the appres tool to find out what the actual settings are that are
loaded in your X server. If this confirms the theory, you can start
finding out where the higher priority settings come from.

Vincent Zweije <vinc...@zweije.nl>   | "If you're flamed in a group you
<http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/>      | don't read, does anybody get burnt?"
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |            -- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.

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