On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 04:01:36PM +0530, Anubhav Yadav wrote:

||  > This suggests that the resources that are loaded into your X server
||  > by default contain settings with a higher priority than your own
||  > .Xresources. The xrdb -merge merges your settings, but leaves the
||  > higher priority resources there as well, so your settings seem to have
||  > no effect. The xrdb -load throws away all settings including the higher
||  > priority ones, thus letting your settings take effect.
||  >
||  > Use the appres tool to find out what the actual settings are that are
||  > loaded in your X server. If this confirms the theory, you can start
||  > finding out where the higher priority settings come from.
||  Hi! appres tool gives me this output, and these are the same values
||  that are in my current .Xresources!
||  Any pointers?
||  -- *color8:        #505354
||  *color14:       #899ca1
||  *color9:        #ff5995
||  *background:    #1b1d1e
||  *color15:       #f8f8f2
||  *color2:        #82b414
||  *color0:        #1b1d1e
||  *customization: -color
||  *color3:        #fd971f
||  *color1:        #f92672
||  *foreground:    #a0a0a0
||  *color4:        #56c2d6
||  *color10:       #b6e354
||  *color5:        #8c54fe
||  *color11:       #feed6c
||  *color6:        #465457
||  *color12:       #8cedff
||  *color7:        #ccccc6
||  *color13:       #9e6ffe

Are those the default settings, or did you run xrdb -load already?

Vincent Zweije <vinc...@zweije.nl>   | "If you're flamed in a group you
<http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/>      | don't read, does anybody get burnt?"
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |            -- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.

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