
Dňa Thu, 24 Jul 2014 13:00:24 +0100 Tom Furie <t...@furie.org.uk>

> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 01:12:32PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
> > I know systemd is not an option any more, but if this is the way it
> > is going to waste my time, I will have to look at a reinstallation
> > of my system  and then use something that is less buggy than Debian
> > Testing/Sid.
> You are, of course, aware that testing and unstable are test platforms
> where breakage is to be expected? They shouldn't be used for anything
> "mission critical", that's what stable is for.

No, i will not comply with this.

The testing must be in state, where it must to boot (except some boot
options tweaks) by default. I think, that nobody here will complain if
some of software/services on testing doesn't work, but computer must to

If it will not boot, then it is not appropriate to "mission critical"
only, but then it is not appropriate to nothing. And because the NFS is
installed by default, then it can be considered as "is used" by
default too, then system doesn't boot for default and IMO this is a

BTW, i am curious - if systemd maintainers will allow to set the higher
severity for some bug and if then it will be removed from testing
after time threshold) :P



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