
Dňa Sun, 27 Jul 2014 06:47:45 -0400 Tom H <tomh0...@gmail.com> napísal:

> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 9:00 AM, Slavko <li...@slavino.sk> wrote:
> > Dňa Thu, 24 Jul 2014 13:00:24 +0100 Tom Furie <t...@furie.org.uk>
> > napísal:
> >>
> >> You are, of course, aware that testing and unstable are test
> >> platforms where breakage is to be expected? They shouldn't be used
> >> for anything "mission critical", that's what stable is for.
> >
> > No, i will not comply with this.
> >
> > The testing must be in state, where it must to boot (except some
> > boot options tweaks) by default. I think, that nobody here will
> > complain if some of software/services on testing doesn't work, but
> > computer must to boot!
> Can you point to a document where such a commitment has been made or
> such a criterion has been decided?

I don't think, that all must be written somewhere. But you can try to
test next release, search and report bugs or other contrib with machine
which will not boot.

Despite this, you can read "This way, we hope that `testing' is always
close to being a release candidate." in 6.5 chapter of the Debian FAQ.
Are you sure, that not booting state is close to be a release
candidate? I am not sure with this.



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