On 08/08/2014 03:14 AM, B. M. wrote:
While I'm waiting for the components of my new machine (testing/jessie)
I'm thinking about the optimal partitioning scheme which should last for the
next 10 years :-)
The system looks like:
Haswell 3.4 GHz
8 GB RAM (later upgradeable up to 32 GB)
250 GB SSD

Motherboard?  PSU?  Case?  Optical?  Drive mobile docks?  Makes and models?

What do you think about the following:
=== SSD: ===
/boot           unencrypted, 300 MB
/               ext4, encrypted, 25-30 GB
/home           ext4, encrypted, keyfile, 220-225 GB
   User data for two users

I prefer small, fast SSD's for system drives. But, the fully populated models have peak performance.

Keeping the system drive small encourages me to take and restore images.

I let the Debian installer partition my system drives as follows (both SSD and HDD):

    primary #1 - 0.5 GB bootable ext4 /boot
    primary #2 - 0.5 GB random encrypted swap
    primary #3 - 8.0 GB encrypted ext4 /

My systems rarely use swap, but I've crashed them without it. (If and when I starting seriously hitting swap, it's time for more RAM.)

You should research the benefits of SSD over-provisioning. I believe TRIM is automatic in Wheezy and newer.

Partition(s) 4+ of your SSD could be used for HDD and/or application acceleration, at the cost of increased contention. The better solution is another SSD. You can experiment with this later.

=== HDD (in this order for performance reasons): ===
/var            HDD, ext4, encrypted, keyfile, 25 GB
   It's so large because I want to add a directory /var/src below /var
   to compile a kernel on the HDD if necessary
/databases      HDD, ext4, encrypted, keyfile, barrier=0, 10 GB
   Used for the db's of digikam (1 user), akonadi and amarok
   (2 users each)

swap            HDD, swapfs, encrypted, 5 GB (not hibernation)

/video          HDD, btrfs, 560 GB
   => for video editing or series, no backup, not encrypted

/data           HDD, btrfs, encrypted, keyfile, RAID1 (2 x 700 GB).
   With subvolumes for digikam archive, movie archive and music
What do you think (sizes, file systems, number of partitions, ...)?
Is it still a good idea to put /var on an HDD, not a SSD?
Video editing is currently not required, it's more like an option for the
future (1y or so) and might require a second HDD (source and target
drive for rendering to increase r/w performance).
To keep it simple and usable I'll use keyfiles for all partitions except

There are certain system directories that must exist to properly boot, run, and/or upgrade a Debian GNU/Linux system. I'd suggest keeping swap and /var on the system drive. Use the 2 TB drive for bulk data and symlink/ bind as needed.

I would not use RAID 1 within a single drive -- you will beat your head servos to death, and cut the already slow IOPS (~120 at 7200 RPM) in half. Consider getting another HDD and doing RAID 1 if you want read performance and/or safety.

You should take a look at the various drive/ volume/ partition/ file system management technologies, such as LVM or ZFS, for your data drive(s). (Note that ECC memory is basically required for ZFS, as memory errors *will* result in destroyed data.)



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