Brian wrote:
On Thu 16 Oct 2014 at 13:12:12 -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

Brian wrote:
There is no preseed command which can alter this.
It may be that adding --include=sysvinit-core to debootstrap will cause
the other branch of that dependency to be taken. I have not tested it.
If that is the case, then the thing to preseed is
base-installer/includes, the value of which is passed to --include.
I could have been a bit less definitive with my response but I had read
#668001 and the lack of success there helped frame it. My desire to have
d-i install other than the default init system is not great so it's
unlikely I will make testing it a priority, even if it is an interesting
problem. :)

The technique given by Jonathan Dowland works and appears to me to
involve a minimal amount of work for someone wanting to end up booting a
new install with sysvinit. Depending on what is being done, a
late_command is available too.

Thanks Brian!

Note: Digging just a little further, leads to #557322, re. debootstrap - which includes a patch. It all dates back to 2009, but I wonder if that patch ever made it into debootstrap.

I might end up playing a bit and seeing if this all works if I manage to exclude ALL dependencies in the chain, then add them back in.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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