On Wed, 10 Jun 2015 09:38:46 +0900
Man_Without_Clue <love.cha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 10 June, 2015 07:01 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
> > On 06/09/2015 05:28 PM, Dan wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> I would live to buy a workstation and install Jessie. I would like
> >> to use the open source drivers for the graphic card. What would you
> >> recommend? My choices are Nvidia or AMD.
> >>
> >> I checked the Nvidia/Debian wiki and the Nouveau drivers seems to
> >> work very well:
> >> "As of jessie, the need for the proprietary drivers is pretty much
> >> over - nouveau now works quite well"
> >> https://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers
> >>
> >> Which open source driver is better Nouveau or AMD open source
> >> driver?
> > It ALL depends on your needs. If you want gaming, or 
> > multi-card/monitor support, with all the goodies turned on, you'll 
> > want the real drivers. If you are just doing email, web browsing,
> > Hunt The Wumpus, and office stuff, then the open source drivers are
> > just fine, unless you get flickering and tearing.
> >
> >
> What about Intel HD?
> What's wrong with that?

Intel is fine, in many ways, except the fact that they don't make and
sell discrete graphics cards. So, unless you buy a system with suitable
Intel graphics integrated, they're not an option. If you need more than
what your onboard graphics can give you (like more outputs) you are out
of luck. If the integrated graphics are enough for you, Intel is
generally very good.

For gaming, most people recommend nVidia with the proprietary drivers.
For other usage it's just a matter of preference. Personally, I prefer
AMD with the open-source driver (radeon), but I don't do gaming. I do,
however, use multiple screens, and unlike Ric said that combination
works wonderfully. The proprietary drivers caused stability issues for
me, although that was some time ago.

The open-source drivers can also do hardware-accelerated video
playback on most recent cards, so unless you need any specific features
of the proprietary drivers (like hardware 3D, or support for a brand
new card) the open-source drivers are fine.

There is some hardware-accelerated 3D in the open-source drivers that
is adequate for most usage, but in most cases you will get far better
performance in gaming with the proprietary ones. For desktop use, you
don't need them IMO.

Some users have had problems with installation and upgrades of the
proprietary drivers, so the open-source ones are usually the
recommended way to go unless needs dictate otherwise.


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