On Sun 13 Sep 2015 at 17:08:28 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Sunday 13 September 2015 16:40:00 Brian wrote:
> >
> > It still disturbs me a little that Lisi's machine doesn't play 4od with
> > HAL and flashplugin-nonfree. At
> I need to try some time on a fresh install, Brian.  For now, I still can't 
> watch 4oD on my TV with an attached Jessie computer, so that comes next.

You will still need HAL. I've indicated previously how I did it but
(because memeory fails me) it may not be the best route for you.

> But I have never not had HAL (Trinity before 14 requires it) so I have my 
> doubts.
> Lisi
> >
> >   https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2015/09/msg00444.html
> >
> > there is
> >
> >    All the ones you mention plus hal-trinity.   But so has my husband's
> > computer. He has only the one libflashplayer.so, the mozilla one.
> >
> >    I, on the other hand, have three:
> >    /home/lisi/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
> >    /usr/lib/flashplayer-mozilla/libflashplayer.so
> >    /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
> >
> > The second line is ok but the third line should show
> >
> >   /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flash-mozilla.so
> >
> > as a symlink to /etc/alternatives/flash-mozilla.so.
> >
> > I think libflashplayer.so in $HOME takes precedence over the alternatives
> > system. 'ls -l' might indicate which package provides it.

Thanks to Curt for raising the question of which libflashplayer.so is
used by Iceweasel when more than one is on the system. The installation
of flashplayer-mozilla causes /etc/alternatives/flash-mozilla.so to
point to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flash-mozilla.so. But, do you have
this file? If you do not, Iceweasel will fall back to using the file in
/home/lisi/.mozilla/plugins/. It strikes me that libflashplayer.so
should not be there.

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