On Wed, 07 Oct 2015 06:44:37 +0200
Miroslav Skoric <sko...@eunet.rs> wrote:

> Hi,
> After the last kernel update and restart, a wheezy-based machine (laptop 
> running 7.9) boots to some point, however it freezes just before opening 
> GUI. Access to CLI (Ctrl-Alt-F1 etc) is also not possible. What to do to 
> recover?

Debian saves your old kernels upon an upgrade. In the GRUB bootloader
menu, select "Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux". Then, select
the kernel version that you want. If this works, the problem is with
the new kernel. If it doesn't, it is probably something to do with the
GUI. Try doing this and let us know what happens.

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