On 10/08/2015 10:58 AM, Riley Baird wrote:

rescue CLI?

If dpkg is available during the rescue CLI, you can install the .deb file
using the command

$ dpkg -i /path/to/packagename.deb

Riley, that was the solution I looked for and dpkg did the job. I reinstalled the previous kernel and removed the failed one. So the system does not freeze any more. Thanks!

Furthermore, as mentioned in my other mail, I used to have 486 and 686-pae kernels, and was used to switch from one to another from time to time, to see the difference. In the past I noticed that 686-pae tend to make mouse cursor moving slowly for a while, then to recover as usual, then maybe run slowly again and again, etc. Is that a known issue with 686-pae versions?

Then, to make sure that apt doesn't want to upgrade to the latest kernel
version, you can use the command

$ apt-mark hold packagename

Btw, does it give a temporary or permanent block for further kernel upgrades? Thanks.

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