On Wed, 7 Oct 2015 23:23:54 +0200
Miroslav Skoric <sko...@eunet.rs> wrote:

Hello Miroslav,

>Thanks. Well I do not have GRUB here but LILO, and there are no saved 
>old kernels as long as I know.

There should be;  Debian doesn't delete old kernels as part of the
upgrade process.  Even LILO should have an option to boot older
kernels.  Older kernels are deliberately kept such that, if the new
kernel *does* fail, you can still, hopefully, use a previous one.  It's
been a long time since I used LILO, so can't advise how to access those
old kernels.

>archived in /var/cache/apt/archives as .deb packages. For example,

Those are an artefact of the install process;  You appear not to be
deleting packages once installed successfully.  Nothing wrong with
that, but you can end up short on disk space that way.  This lack of
space can lead to booting issues. 

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
White people going to school, where they teach you to be thick
White Riot - The Clash

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