On Sun 18 Oct 2015 at 16:05:41 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

> Brian wrote:
> >
> >Squeeze Gnome2 is probably using gdm. What is the output of
> >
> >   apt-get purge gdm
> That command structure is either *MALICIOUS* or sign of terminal ignorance.
> Reading http://manpages.debian.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=apt-get suggests
> that
>    "apt-get -s purge gdm"    would be much more reasonable.

There is a first time for everything. I've never before been accused of
having malicious intent or being ignorant. I could understand if at
times I had been placed in the latter category but people on this list
have generally been tolerant of gaps in my knowledge.

Use 'apt-get -s purge gdm' by all means if you are unable to locate the
'n' key.

> My Squeeze machine is physically unavailable.
> However, previous experiments APPEAR to IMPLY answer  is gdm3.

The actual output is required.

> Identical experiments run on Wheezy were a "flop". One reason I've ignored
> that release as it required effort to get running while not suggesting any
> benefits.
> >I do not know what Jessie Mate uses. What is the output of
> >
> >   apt-get purge <display_manager_on mate>
> And just what might be <display_manager_on mate> sic/(sick)?

The name of whatever display manager you are using. (Without < and >).
Lightdm, for example. Again, the actual output is required, not
something you dimly recollect. 

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