Quoting Richard Owlett (rowl...@cloud85.net):
> David Wright wrote:
> >Quoting Richard Owlett (rowl...@cloud85.net):
> >>David Wright wrote:
> >>>[snip]
> >>>Were I to set up a machine at home to autologin, I would not want it
> >>>to login as me, nor root, nor anonymous. I would configure a user
> >>>called, say, "kiosk" and that would be my "choice of which user login
> >>>to auto-login as."
> >>>
> >>>IOW no choice has to be made each time you actually power-up the machine.
> >>
> >>How
> >>   Squeeze with Gnome2?
> >>   Jessie with Mate?
> >>
> >>The user name would be myexperiments. It would have minimal set of
> >>privileges.
> >
> >I don't know. I don't really understand your original question. It
> said "How to do an autologin? In a DE independent way?" [snip]
> I have 2 machines.
> One is Squeeze with Gnome2 DE.
> One is Jessie with Mate DE.
> Desired user name to be "myexperiments" having a minimal set [TBD]
> privileges.
> Power on yields operating system.

Ok, that's clarified, I think, what you mean by DE. You want (I'm
guessing) a machine to come up with its full Desktop Environment as if
the user "myexperiments" had sat at the console and typed in their
username and password.

I have no idea why you wrote "Power on yields operating system."
(Unless you meant No BIOS Password and No Grub Password, so that
linux itself boots when you power up.)

Because Mate tries to be like Gnome2 (AIUI), then the obvious option
for the same setup on both machines is to try to use the Legacy GDM
that Gnome2 used.

Have you tried that? What happened when you tried?

Indeed, have you tried anything, apart from the web search before you
posted? You seem to be very good at batting the suggestions that
people make in this thread, but that seems to be about all you do.

The rest of this posting consists of your contributions so far.




How to do an autologin? In a DE independent way?
gave no relevant links.
A Google search gave only decade old or DE related links.
I currently use Mate, but exploring other desktops(avoiding Gnome 3!!!;}.
I'd like something similar to autoexec.bat from DOS/CPM days.



I received two suggestions, neither suitable:
1. nodm was recommended by the ??? who has publicly stated that he ignores
     how I phrase my questions.
2. runit was also suggested. I chased down a series of links but didn't see
     how to apply it to my preferences.
Prior to my post I had done a web search for "autologin". I did another with [I 
assume] slightly different criteria. I suspect "DE independence" may not be 



ROFL! ;/
In https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2015/09/msg00423.html

You have jumped to confusion. I have yet to decide. The only thing I will say 
definitely is that I have yet to be pointed to something written *by systemd 
developers* directed to *end users* saying what benefit the _end user_ gains.
My current Linux machine has Debian 8.0 with Mate DE and maximum use of 
  no printer drivers as no printer
  no networking as no network (local OR internet) physically present
I skipped Wheezy for two reasons:
  Gnome3 default UI was unusable
  systemd was/is terra igcognita.
I tried Jessie as:
Mate was available as standard choice [I don't wish to consider backports]
  systemd dust seemed to be settling

I've no relevant Android experience.



  Squeeze with Gnome2?
  Jessie with Mate?
The user name would be myexperiments. It would have minimal set of privileges.



I have 2 machines.
One is Squeeze with Gnome2 DE.
One is Jessie with Mate DE.
Desired user name to be "myexperiments" having a minimal set [TBD] privileges.
Power on yields operating system.



That command structure is either *MALICIOUS* or sign of terminal ignorance. 
Reading http://manpages.debian.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=apt-get suggests that
   "apt-get -s purge gdm"    would be much more reasonable.
My Squeeze machine is physically unavailable.
However, previous experiments APPEAR to IMPLY answer  is gdm3.
Identical experiments run on Wheezy were a "flop". One reason I've ignored that 
release as it required effort to get running while not suggesting any benefits.

And just what might be <display_manager_on mate> sic/(sick)?


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