On Sunday 18 October 2015 23:21:53 David Wright wrote:
> Ok, that's clarified, I think, what you mean by DE. You want (I'm
> guessing) a machine to come up with its full Desktop Environment as if
> the user "myexperiments" had sat at the console and typed in their
> username and password.

If Richard wants to end up in a DE, why does the way he gets there have to be 
DE independent??  And where does the browser come in (see subject line)? And 
which browser?  Which browser, on which DE, makes a difference to what is the 
best way to get there.  But I thought he didn't want a DE.  So Lynx???

I routinely boot up without logging in, on everything but my netbook.  And any 
software I want opened up immediately, is opened up immediately, before I 
touch the computer.  I don't see what the fuss is about.  So, as I have 
mentioned before, I don't understand.

I like your summary!!


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