On Wed, 18 Nov 2015 15:05:33 +0000, Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday 18 November 2015 14:24:17 Alex Vong wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Next time please send your email to <debian-user@lists.debian.org> for
> > user questions, thanks! (You can also CC me since I don't subscribe
> > the debian-user list.)
> >
> > To watch <http://www.bbc.com/news/10462520>, first install youtube-dl:
> > $ apt-get install youtube-dl  
> Or just install flashplugin-nonfree with Iceweasel, or watch with Google 
> Chrome.  I'm sure plenty of other things work, but I know those do.  I watch 
> that news-site all the time, several times a day most days, and browse over 
> the whole site; sometimes just to see if there has been a new newsflash on an 
> important story.  Think of the disk-space needed if I were to download 
> everything every time!



Fortunately YouTube no longer requires Flash. Unfortunately, it still mandates
the running of non-free JavaScript, and is firmly under the thumb of Google.

YouTube can be accessed and videos on it can be viewed with a free web browser
which supports HTML5, of which there are many. More and more websites now
support HTML5 (or similar) video-streaming mechanisms. This is a good thing.

For those websites which still require Flash, you should find some way of
downloading the video (preferably in an open format).

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