On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 05:28:25 -0300, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI
<ren...@olgiati-in-paraguay.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:53:09 +0300
> moxalt <mox...@riseup.net> wrote:
> > Very well. I shall reformulate my earlier posts. Here is the first instance
> > of my vicious and triggering usage of the word 'should':  
> > For those websites which still require Flash, IMHO it would be better if you
> > found some way of downloading the video (preferably in an open format).  
> > Here is the second:  
> > IMHO it would be better if the OP did neither.  
> > Happy now? Feeling less threatened?  
> No, because you are still trying to impose your own values on others.

Wow. So it doesn't actually have anything to do with my language (thank you for
admitting that) but rather a view you disagree with. A moment ago you said it
would be OK if I just replaced all instances of 'should' with 'IMHO it would be
better if'. I did so, and you are still not satisfied. This has nothing to do
with me being less stubborn and softening my tone- it's just a view you
personally reject.

Reminder: *every opinion expressed* is an assertion of one's values of others
(regardless of whether they agree or not, or whether you feel triggered by my
language). Telling someone not to punch people is an assertion of the principle
that one should not punch people, just as telling people to use free software
is an assertion of the principle that software should be free.

If you disagree with my opinion, feel free to do so. We can have a nice
civilised debate about it (though there isn't really any such thing on the
internet- we can try anyway). If you are not prepared to openly disagree with
me, at least don't just use the cop-out tactic of attacking my word choice.

Even when I complied with this, you made it clear that it doesn't matter what
words I use anyway, because by having opinions and expressing them I am doing
something akin to the Inquisition.


> What next ? Telling us your own religion is better than ours ?

If I was religious, and this was a discussion concerning religion, I would be
proselytising 24/7. I don't do things half-way.

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