On Sat, 21 Nov 2015 07:31:00 -0600, John Hasler <jhas...@newsguy.com> wrote:

> Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > The problem is well highlighted by these dictionary offerings.  "Should" 
> > expresses obligation and duty, not a recommendation or preference.  
> Still, when I say "You should not try to stop others from saying things
> you find uncomfortable" I am expressing *my opinion* as to what you
> should do.

Exactly my point. Whether I wrap up my expression of opinion in a 'should' or
an 'IMHO it would be better if', the actual underlying sentiment expressed in
the sentence is the same. It is this: 'I have an
opinion/recommendation/principle. I believe you should act accordingly.'
Regardless of how you dress it up, the same 'assertion of opinion' is taking

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