On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 05:19:46 -0300, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI
<ren...@olgiati-in-paraguay.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:43:49 +0300
> moxalt <mox...@riseup.net> wrote:
> > Should (there it is again!) I simply deliver my opinions
> > in terms of imperatives- do this and do that?   
> You could, without trying to impose your opinions on others, just tell tell
> them what you do, and let them decide whether to follow your example or not. 
> But telling them what they "should" do, unless it relates to behaviour that
> affexts you directly(*) is the first step on the road to intolerance,
> persecution, the Talibans and the Inquisition, etc.

Wow. The seemingly innocent word 'should' is in fact the first step to the
Inquisition. What an opinion. What a place! Who knew the Debian-users list was
a den populated by people who overreact to 'should', as if it's the Great
Satan or something.

I understand that everyone's rallying against the outsider here, but really
guys? 'Should'?

> * Of course there is the difference between "You should avoid punching me in
> the nose" and "You should use only FLOSS".

Not really. Both are actions I would engage in, and would like others to do the
same. I never thought the word 'should' was such a big issue.

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