On Sun 11 Sep 2016 at 15:17:00 -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:

> On Sun 11 Sep 2016 at 11:13:45 -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:
> > Addendum:  during my Jessie install, the install program commented at one 
> > point:
> > "There doesn't seem to be any other OS on your system".  Jeez!!  I hope some
> > maintainer reads this complaint and Debian  works hard to make sure that the
> What is the exact name and version of this OS which is not found?
>        <LOL>  Windows 10.  If there is a more exact name, I don't know it.

Deconstruction of this statement follows:

 I do not know. I am unable to extract information from any OS. But I am
 really good at moaning about them. You will get no help from me, don't
 bother me.

> > operation of installing a second OS(Linux) on a Windoze box is as easy and
> > error-proof as it is possible to make it.
> 1. As a user do
>      dpkg -l | grep grub
>    Please post the output of this command.
> 2. Suppose there are four packages listed. As root do
>      apt-get --reinstall install <package_name>
>    for each package
>    <package_name> is in the second column of the 'dpkg -l' output.
>    So, for example
>      apt-get --reinstall install grub-common
>      apt-get --reinstall install grub-pc
>      apt-get --reinstall install grub-pc-bin
>      apt-get --reinstall install grub2-common
>    is what I would do on my machine. For the grub-pc reinstall please post
>    the lines which begin "Found ....." in the output.
> 3. As root run the command
>      os-prober
>    and post its output.
>          Why?  why all this?  What good will it do? to anyone?  To do this 
> I'd have
>          to get out of this URL(mail.his.com), shut down my Windoze, reboot 
> to Jessie,
>          copy the output you are requesting to a piece of paper, and then get 
> back here.(*)

Deconstruction of this statement follows:

  You are asking questions. Questions are awkward - you have to give
  answers; I do not want to participate in giving answers. Just take
  some notice of me and give me what I want without all this palaver.

>          May I ask: are you the Debian installation maintainer?  if you are, 
> I'd be
>          happy to work with you.

Having chosen to post to debian-user you cannot even work with the
process here. What chance would there be of a working relationship if
you thought you were talking to the Debian Leader.

> (*)  Many years ago, when I ran a dual boot machine of Linux and MS-DOS, I 
> used to be
> able to mount the MS-DOS partition from my Linux system, and copy file to and 
> from it.
> I'm going to try that, when next I (re)boot into Jessie.

Deconstruction of this statement follows:

  Redirection. I've managed to avoid answering anything but I can still
  go down fighting and introduce something irrelevant. Do I have to stew
  in my own juice?

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