On Tuesday 13 September 2016 08:56:47 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> I am still trying to figure out why my original reply got so thoroughly
> blocked by, I think, Debian's spam filters.  So here is the original reply,
> with the acronyms replaced by wikipedia links.  (For coherent reading,
> replace the wikipedia links with teh relevant acronyms)
> On Friday 09 September 2016 16:02:42 mudongliang wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> >          recently I suddenly failed to update my gmail account in
> > icedove. When I tried to get messages from gmail account in icedove, it
> > poped up one window : "Failled to connect server x...@gmail.com". There
> > is no error for my other email, for example, hotmail, outlook.
> >
> >          How could I solve this problem?
> Look at the
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol
>  or
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Message_Access_Protocol
>  server settings.  It looks as though something has
> gone wrong with the gmail settings.  It would help if you were to say which
> gmail server you are having problems with, and what settings you are using.
> Lisi

So Debian's spamcheckers were failing, consistently, over a period of time, 
the acronyms for two types of mail "sending" servers.  That strikes me as 
seriously weird.  (I daren't name the servers!!)


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