On 9/9/2016 10:02 AM, mudongliang wrote:
Dear all,

         recently I suddenly failed to update my gmail account in
icedove. When I tried to get messages from gmail account in
icedove, it poped up one window : "Failled to connect server
x...@gmail.com". There is no error for my other email, for
example, hotmail, outlook.

         How could I solve this problem?

Reposting Neal's reply to remedy broken thread.

On 9/12/2016 6:03 PM, Neal P. Murphy wrote:
On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 23:38:56 +0100
Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com> wrote:

PS I have been trying to help mudongliang, unsuccessfully. But thereby hangs
another thread. Please someone else, his question has still not been
answered. Are all attempts to answer it being spam-checked out of

[I trust this will appear in the desired thread; I changed the subject back....]

A few things I can think of (which generally reflect your suggestions):
- username changed in settings or at gmail
- password changed in settings or at gmail
- port changed in settings or at gmail (between encrypted and non-encrypted, 
for example)
- DNS problems
- SSL versus startTLS
- change between IMAP and POP3
- firewall blockage (but not *too* likely, since other servers can be accessed)
- encryption schemes that are no longer valid (like SSL2 or SSL3 but, again, 
not *too* likely*)


P.S. Related to another thread (about email programs), another shortcoming of 
Claws Mail is that there's no way to see/edit *all* a reply's headers; 
otherwise, I would've adjusted this message's Message-id header to match that 
of the O.P.'s message and make this reply appear in the right place in the 
thread. I don't have the original message to reply to.

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