Am Montag, 17. Oktober 2016, 09:40:31 CEST schrieb Richard Owlett:
> If some of this sounds familiar, I have asked related questions
> in the past.
> [I do have copies of previous posts&replies for reference.
>   I've re-read most but may have missed reading some due to how I
> sorted them.]
> I think I can give a better description of what I wish to accomplish.
> The laptop I used for previous experiment is now classed as
> unreliable, which may have been cause of some previous problems.
> I have a healthy desktop machine now.
> Due to limited bandwidth *EVERYTHING SHALL* be done from a
> physical set of purchased DVD's [Jessie 8.6].
> I explicitly want a flash drive that functions as an install medium.
> I DO NOT wish to install to the flash drive (one person called
> that 'Debian to Go']
> It shall be bootable
> It shall be able to install Debian on any machine which can boot
> from a USB device.
> It shall have a repository equivalent to the contents on all 13
> DVD's.
> It shall have multiple multiple editable preseed.cfg files.
> I envision a file structure of
> /dev/sdX
>       /alpha          optional partition for GRUB or LILO
>       /beta           bootable installer - essentially DVD 1 of 13
>       /gamma          repository - contents of DVD 2 -> DVD 13
>       /delta          collection of preseed.cfg files
> Comments/suggestions?
So it looks like you want to do many installations and often. Maybe you might 
want to look at Fully Automatical Installatio (FAI). You can create an ISO for 
every architecture, then put in on the USB-drive. I suggest "XBOOT" for this, 
it is a multiboot tool.

As you can preconfigure everything, you can point the installer iso's to the 
repo on your usb drive.

On the other hand, IMO, an image server might be more usefull. Take a look at 
"clonezilla" project, especially "cloinezilla se".

Just my ideas.....

Happy hacking1


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