On Mon 17 Oct 2016 at 09:40:31 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

> If some of this sounds familiar, I have asked related questions in the past.
> [I do have copies of previous posts&replies for reference.
>  I've re-read most but may have missed reading some due to how I sorted
> them.]
> I think I can give a better description of what I wish to accomplish.
> The laptop I used for previous experiment is now classed as unreliable,
> which may have been cause of some previous problems. I have a healthy
> desktop machine now.
> Due to limited bandwidth *EVERYTHING SHALL* be done from a physical set of
> purchased DVD's [Jessie 8.6].
> I explicitly want a flash drive that functions as an install medium.
> I DO NOT wish to install to the flash drive (one person called that 'Debian
> to Go']
> It shall be bootable
> It shall be able to install Debian on any machine which can boot from a USB
> device.
> It shall have a repository equivalent to the contents on all 13 DVD's.
> It shall have multiple multiple editable preseed.cfg files.


looks to be right up your street and capable of adapting to your needs.

> I envision a file structure of
> /dev/sdX
>       /alpha          optional partition for GRUB or LILO
>       /beta           bootable installer - essentially DVD 1 of 13
>       /gamma          repository - contents of DVD 2 -> DVD 13
>       /delta          collection of preseed.cfg files

That too looks like it could be accomodated but the need to partition
isn't necessary.


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