This is the third time within the space of only two weeks, where one day I'm happily listening to music on my machine one day. then I wake up the next and there's no sound!
Neither pavucontrol or alsamixer show anything muted.
Last it seems a reboot (after successfully trying and succeeding to listen with a livecd system) resolved the issue. I can't help but think some module is being shut off overnight, but comes back on at boot. Any ideas?

On 09/11/2016 06:21 AM, Tony Baldwin wrote:
On 09/10/2016 08:07 PM, Anthony Baldwin wrote:
On 09/10/2016 06:24 PM, deloptes wrote:
Anthony Baldwin wrote:

On 09/10/2016 12:35 PM, Tony Baldwin wrote:
Suddenly I have no sound.
Dunno why. I did just two days ago, when I was happily listening to

Pulseaudio is running:
ps aux | grep pulseaudio
tony      2340  0.5  0.0 370052  6788 ?        S<l  12:24   0:01
/usr/bin/pulseaudio --start
tony      2402  0.0  0.0   4324   104 ?        S    12:24   0:00
tony      3116  0.0  0.0  12720   964 pts/0    S+   12:28   0:00 grep

This is on Jessie,
Speakers are properly plugged in, etc.
I'm stumped.

I have verified that there is no hardware problem.
I plugged the speakers into a phone and they worked fine.
Also, this machine has a 2nd hdd with win7 and I booted that and sound
worked fine, so there appears to be no problem with the sound card or
the speakers.
Still stumped


I would check if pulseaudio has the proper input/output devices
configured (and unmuted)
I couldn't figure out how to do this (no man page for pulseaudio-utils),
but eventually found something in th lxmenu for Audio->Pulseaudio Volume
Contol, and found that analog output was muted.
I Unmuted it and was startled by the glorious sound of YOB (doom metal),
I had inadvertently left playing earlier in an instance of mocp I'd
totally forgotten in a minimized terminal.

Also check in alsamixer if something relevant is muted.

This "Suddenly I have no sound" means what exactly: listening and it
or you rebooted and it was not there anymore?


forgot to mark this resolved...done now

translations, localization,
multilingual web development

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