Definitely not a new chip...I built this machine in 2010, and It didn't have 
such problems with lenny, squeeze, or wheezy, 
just now with jessie, probably another thing systemd screwed up?
Sorry for top posting but the gmx web mail isn' t letting me write beneath the 
message without marking my response as part of the prior msg to which I am 
I'm using webmail from a livecd, because another thing that' s  been Fscked on 
this Jessie system is I can never simply reboot, without using a live cd to 
check my disk with gparted several times, which I'm doing again 
now...Ridiculous...When did "stable" stop meaning "stable" and start meaning 


Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 3:11 PM
From: deloptes <>
Subject: Re: Not Resolved: no sound again!
Anthony Baldwin wrote:

> This is the third time within the space of only two weeks, where one day
> I'm happily listening to music on my machine one day. then I wake up the
> next and there's no sound!
> Neither pavucontrol or alsamixer show anything muted.
> Last it seems a reboot  (after successfully trying and succeeding to
> listen with a livecd system) resolved the issue.
> I can't help but think some module is being shut off overnight, but
> comes back on at boot. Any ideas?

yes it could be - some recent audio chips support power save - it could be
that if not used for some time it goes into power save and does not wake up
I think this is configurable in the bios, or per driver option(s). Check the
manual for your chip and driver

ex: Documentation/sound/alsa/powersave.txt




All Tony, all the time!

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