Anthony Baldwin wrote:

> This is the third time within the space of only two weeks, where one day
> I'm happily listening to music on my machine one day. then I wake up the
> next and there's no sound!
> Neither pavucontrol or alsamixer show anything muted.
> Last it seems a reboot  (after successfully trying and succeeding to
> listen with a livecd system) resolved the issue.
> I can't help but think some module is being shut off overnight, but
> comes back on at boot. Any ideas?

yes it could be - some recent audio chips support power save - it could be
that if not used for some time it goes into power save and does not wake up
I think this is configurable in the bios, or per driver option(s). Check the
manual for your chip and driver

ex: Documentation/sound/alsa/powersave.txt


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