one more thing i can ping to gateway with virtual ip no problem.

hping3 -1 50.x.x.174 -a 50.x.x.162
HPING 50.x.x.174 (eth3 50.x.x.174): icmp mode set, 28 headers + 0 data bytes
len=46 ip=50.x.x.174 ttl=64 id=56571 icmp_seq=0 rtt=3.4 ms
len=46 ip=50.x.x.174 ttl=64 id=56572 icmp_seq=1 rtt=3.3 ms
len=46 ip=50.x.x.174 ttl=64 id=56573 icmp_seq=2 rtt=3.3 ms

On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 6:20 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan <>

> btw i never use ip command due to its complexity. i user route command
> instead. which is way more easier. however i tried your commands and it
> didn't work for me any help or idea  guys?
> On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan <>
> wrote:
>> I didnt route anything as default gateway was already there. can you
>> please explain your routes more. i didnt get the context of that routes you
>> define.
>> On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 5:39 PM, Xen <> wrote:
>>> Muhammad Yousuf Khan schreef op 27-12-2016 12:22:
>>> can you guys please guide what is going on . in old Debian version i
>>>> do this with no problem sub interfaces were very easy task. but here i
>>>> invest the whole day.
>>> I must say I have run into many problems on my own machine but never
>>> this one.
>>> Are you sure your gateway recognises your secondary IP?
>>> I even have 2 IPs on such an alias and they all work fine:
>>> iface eth0 inet manual
>>>   pre-up ip link set eth0 up
>>> iface eth0:0 inet dhcp
>>> iface eth0:1 inet static
>>>   address 149.x.x.127
>>>   netmask
>>> In my case I do additional routing:
>>> ip rule add from 149.x.x.127 (that's the secondary) lookup 2
>>> ip route add default via 149.x.x.1 (gateway address for the second IP)
>>> table 2

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