Thanks this is what i already did and i was about to send you guys the
details and fortunately your msg comes in.
tcpdump is telling me very interesting story.
when i 'tcpdump -i eth3 icmp' it shows all the ping packet that are
received for ip 50.x.x161 but not for 50.x.x.162
that means ISP gateway is not sending packets to virtual IPs. so this issue
pointing to ISP or MAC related issue.

but confusion is the system before current system it has the Virtual IPs
and it was working fine it has debian 5 (old version)


On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 6:46 PM, Xen <> wrote:

> Muhammad Yousuf Khan schreef op 27-12-2016 13:58:
>> I didnt route anything as default gateway was already there. can you
>> please explain your routes more. i didnt get the context of that
>> routes you define.
> Nothing special there, if you use the same gateway it won't be needed. I
> just have a 2nd IP on a second subnet, so I need to use the second router
> for that second subnet.
> From your other reply it seems that your router is not routing to your
> address..
> Maybe nothing changed in Debian but your host is not functioning for your
> second IP?
> It would be weird unless something else was going on that you could not
> receive pings on that interface from the outside.
> They are probably being sent out, but not getting back, because your
> router is not configured for your 2nd IP?
> Of course you can check with tcpdump -i eth3 | grep "<second IP>"
> Or tcpdump -i eth3 | grep "<second IP>" | grep echo
> Regards.

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