Greetings to South Korea,

i think you can contact the Munich Mayor at

They are corrupt and do not work for the people.
They work for companies and this decision about Limux is not the only bad
decision they made.

The day comes closer, that we remove all politicians and do our own
This is the only way to change the whole system. I'm sick of it and many
people in whole
Europe also.

Fuck politicians, die in pain, burn in hell!

Andre Müller

Byung-Hee HWANG (황병희, 黃炳熙) <> schrieb am Fr., 17. Feb.
2017 um 09:10 Uhr:

> Last night, i saw from SoftPedia sad news: "Linux Pioneer Munich Makes
> Huge Step Towards Returning to Windows.". I do not want this story. I
> will send him (Munich Mayor) my message. At Munich City sites, i did
> fail to search Mayor's email address.
> Windows10 is evil.
> Respect,
> Byung-Hee from South Korea
> --
> ^고맙습니다 _地平天成_ 감사합니다_^))//

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