On Friday 17 February 2017 07:17:21 Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Friday 17 February 2017 09:43:16 Stephen Powell wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 17, 2017, at 04:30, Andre Müller wrote:
> > > The day comes closer, that we remove all politicians and do our
> > > own constitution.
> > > This is the only way to change the whole system. I'm sick of it
> > > and many people in whole
> > > Europe also.
> >
> > And as for the United States, do we not have the best Congress money
> > can buy?
> No.  But you have very good golf clubs.
> Lisi

That may be true, but I am driven to quote Benjamin Franklin here, 
with "Democracy is a very bad form of government, but all the others are 
so much worse."

Whats missing in our constitution is a mandated swamp draining, some 
method of disabling the "revolving chairs" we seem to have. They serve 
in such and such a position in some agency that the public has zero 
control of, until they've used up their allotted time or term limit, and 
just step across the hall to a different agency until they fall over.  

Seriously, we need brand new blood.  The founders I believe wanted a 
certain continuity, by setting senate terms to 6 years, with the guys in 
the last two years of their term serving as teachers to those in the 
first 2 years of their 6 year term. However it seems to have 
degenerated, with continuity of POWER being the main job for the whole 6 
year term.  Serving the country seems to be a distant 2nd place in their 

So yes, we need the swamp drained, it has quite a few unsavory occupants 
at the moment.

Trump is "learning on the job", and looks to be a loose cannon so far. 
But he genuinely does want to improve things. One of his serious 
problems is going to be seat warmers in a cabinet meeting. I don't look 
for a single chair to be warmed by the same butt for all of his 4 years. 
And I expect his currently dismal ratings will improve.  If he can push 
an improvement we can feel, he might get another 4 years.  Time will of 
course write that bit of history.  Likely, because of my age, without me 
to do a critique.

Walt Kelly also wrote the definitive definition of the word "enemy" when 
he said "we have met the enemy, and he is us."  Truer words haven't been 
written since.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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