rhia...@mac.com wrote:
>> If run from Jessie's DVD 1 of 13, if Desktop is selected but
>> without a specific D.E. selected, you get Gnome.
>You only get Gnome if you have first selected a mirror.

Ummm, I've done this lots of times - DVD 1 should give you Gnome
without needing any external package sources.


>The hard part is determining whether the firmware is needed to
>function, or to allow enhanced function. I get a firmware notice for
>my network card, but it works without it, albeit more slowly than
>with it.

It's very difficult to know. There can be lots of variations on the
hardware that's shipped. Some variants need firmware, some don't; some
will be faster with firmware added as it will turn on hardware
acceleration features. And some crappy vendors give no way at all for
software to know which variant you have. :-/

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
< liw> everything I know about UK hotels I learned from "Fawlty Towers"

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