On 03/22/2017 10:33 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Wednesday 22 March 2017 14:53:24 Richard Owlett wrote:
On 03/22/2017 09:28 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Wednesday 22 March 2017 14:05:28 Richard Owlett wrote:
The results of the 6 installs I intended to run:
[the only variable being which DE related boxes checked]
[space used reported by gparted]
   1. None
      CLI installed taking ~.92 GB
   2. Only top entry checked (asking for unspecified desktop)
      Gnome installed taking ~3.59 GB
   3. Top entry *and* Gnome checked
      Gnome installed taking ~3.59 GB
   4. Top entry *and* MATE checked
      MATE installed taking ~2.65 GB
   5. Gnome only checked
      Gnome installed taking ~3.59 GB
   6. MATE only checked
      MATE installed taking ~2.65 GB
Tests 1-6 were run were run from a flash drive copy of DVD1.

Thanks, Richard.  And are you able to confirm that, by default, the top
entry is checked, and you have to  uncheck it to achieve option 1?

That is correct.

HOWEVER that line of thought is why I included my 1st paragraph on the
"educational" problems encountered.
My "educational" failure was in attempting to create a preseed.cfg file
so the tests would require minimal hands on attention. I wanted the
tasksel screen to appear. I did not succeed. Instead the installer went
on its merry way installing Gnome in ~3.67 (not the ~3.59 GB of other
runs). <end quote>

I've never used netinst and don't know if my failed preseed.cfg might
resemble it.

Thank you.  I prefer facts to alternative facts or guesses!  I must play
around with net install when I have got both time and a suitable platform!

In all this talk of Debian being the universal operating system, and helping
newbies, no mention has been made of the Live CD installation method, which I
should have though was ideal for those who want their hands held.  That
perception may be false, but is why I barely go near it!  I use Knoppix when
I want a Live CD and the net install disk when I want to install Debian.

I had a "Live 8.6 MATE" DVD next to me.
I had a minor glitch and a possibly significant problem.
The minor glitch was when launching the installer it needed a password.
Having seen that problem reported before, entering "live" got it going.

The possibly significant problem was inability to install grub.
I say "possibly significant" because my test machine and installation routines have a few oddities.

I manually partitioned *AND* defeated using a swap partition as it would have changed the UUID of my swap partition thus messing up my exiting installs (have 3 active at the moment).

Not installing grub was no problem for me as I don't install it anyway, choosing to run update-grub under control of the install on /dev/sda1.

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