On Wednesday 22 March 2017 14:53:24 Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 03/22/2017 09:28 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > On Wednesday 22 March 2017 14:05:28 Richard Owlett wrote:
> >> The results of the 6 installs I intended to run:
> >> [the only variable being which DE related boxes checked]
> >> [space used reported by gparted]
> >>    1. None
> >>       CLI installed taking ~.92 GB
> >>    2. Only top entry checked (asking for unspecified desktop)
> >>       Gnome installed taking ~3.59 GB
> >>    3. Top entry *and* Gnome checked
> >>       Gnome installed taking ~3.59 GB
> >>    4. Top entry *and* MATE checked
> >>       MATE installed taking ~2.65 GB
> >>    5. Gnome only checked
> >>       Gnome installed taking ~3.59 GB
> >>    6. MATE only checked
> >>       MATE installed taking ~2.65 GB
> >> Tests 1-6 were run were run from a flash drive copy of DVD1.
> >
> > Thanks, Richard.  And are you able to confirm that, by default, the top
> > entry is checked, and you have to  uncheck it to achieve option 1?
> That is correct.
> HOWEVER that line of thought is why I included my 1st paragraph on the
> "educational" problems encountered.
> <quote>
> My "educational" failure was in attempting to create a preseed.cfg file
> so the tests would require minimal hands on attention. I wanted the
> tasksel screen to appear. I did not succeed. Instead the installer went
> on its merry way installing Gnome in ~3.67 (not the ~3.59 GB of other
> runs). <end quote>
> I've never used netinst and don't know if my failed preseed.cfg might
> resemble it.

Thank you.  I prefer facts to alternative facts or guesses!  I must play 
around with net install when I have got both time and a suitable platform!

In all this talk of Debian being the universal operating system, and helping 
newbies, no mention has been made of the Live CD installation method, which I 
should have though was ideal for those who want their hands held.  That 
perception may be false, but is why I barely go near it!  I use Knoppix when 
I want a Live CD and the net install disk when I want to install Debian.


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