On Saturday 01 April 2017 18:59:48 cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 03:33:08PM +0000, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > In all this talk of Debian being the universal operating system, and
> > helping newbies ...
> I'm not sure those two concepts are related. My understanding of Debian
> being the universal operating system is that it can run on as many
> hardware platforms as possible, not that it is universally accessible by
> all and sundry, although I guess if that also occurs then it's an added
> bonus. :)

I agree with you.  But I was being told that that view is elitist, in a world 
in which elite is a very pejorative word.


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