> So, sooner or later, money come into play (aren't they always do?). The
> important thing here for me is 'who pays', not 'who gets paid'.

I mostly agree with your analysis but here I would add to the "who
pays", "why are they paying" and "what exactly are they paying for" ....
In most cases the last is so a (single), or a few corporations, can
control a market, a monopoly or oligopoly is founded, and in some cases
to be allowed to do so they have to serve "other interests" that are not
readily explained with financial interests alone.  The bad sometimes are
in silent synergy with the evil, but they can improve their image by
donating and sponsoring "the good".  Eventually the good end up
depending on this sponsorship for existence.  This is the ultimate
control and blackmail, and that justifies blindly serving the interests
of all evil.

> Reco

Yes, what are we to change things, but at least we should be able to
freely talk about it, in case a way is discovered.

 "The most violent element in society is ignorance" rEG

"Who died and made you the superuser?"  Brooklinux

"keep rocking in the non-free world" Neilznotyoung

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