On 2017-08-20 19:37 +0000 Glenn English <ghe2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>For me, the big drawback to Amanda was the initial configuration. It's
>huge and complex (at least it was a couple decades ago). But after
>it's all done, a cron job will run your backup(s) every night, while
>you sleep, with no problems. If you ask it to, it'll even verify the
>backup for you (an unverified backup isn't a backup, as they say).

I have taken a glance at AMANDA, and it seems indeed to be very complex.
It is great that it works for your use case, but it does not seem to be an
appropriate tool for my case. I do not need any highly sophisticated
tools. As I noted in the first message, I only want to backup a personal
computer to an USB drive.

Since I must manually connect the USB drive to make the backups, there is
no point in automatizing it with cron. Network backups are irrelevant
in my current case.

Regards and thanks.

Do not eat animals, respect them as you respect people.

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