Mario Castelán Castro <> writes:

> On 2017-08-19 23:07 -0400 Celejar <> wrote:
>>There's Borg, which apparently has good deduplication. I've just
>>started using it, but it's a very sophisticated and quite popular piece
>>of software, judging by chatter in various internet threads.
> This seems like an excellent tool for my use case. It has an interface
> very much like control version systems (which I am familiar with), makes
> efficient use of space and is no more complex to use than required (I'm
> referencing the saying “make things as simple as possible but not more
> simple”).
> I have been testing it with toy cases to have at least some experience
> with it before using it for my real backups.
> Using a Git checkout of the latest release I get this warning: “Using a
> pure-python msgpack! This will result in lower performance.”. Yet I have
> the Debian package “python3-msgpack“. Do you know what the problem is?

Are you using the virtualenv method recommended by the documentation?
By default, virtualenvs do not get access to packages that might have
been installed by the OS package manager.  You can pass the
--system-site-packages to the virtualenv creation command to make those
packages available in the virtualenv.

Alternatively, you can to recompile the borgbackup dependencies in the
virtualenv by following the instructions at
This may require you to install several other packages, as may be
required to compile and modules written in C.


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