On Thursday 14 September 2017 08:18:03 to...@tuxteam.de wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 12:59:04PM +0100, Darac Marjal wrote:
> [...]
> > With IMAP, the expectation is that your MUA is just a viewer of
> > email. The mail is stored elsewhere and you want to
> > read/reply/manage it without worrying about storing it.
> [...]
> While in principle you are absolutely right, I've found out
> that IMAP in combination with fetchmail works wonderfully as
> a "better POP3". IDLE alone is worth it, but also much better
> error recovery etc.
> Cheers
> -- tomás

Begin rant:

The problem I have with that is the exposure. With my ISP's dovecot setup 
serving as both imap access and pop3, which I am using via fetchmail, is 
that because a huge fraction of their clients use imap, they have 
disabled fetchmails ability to dele the successfully downloaded message. 
THis is based on the premise, probably correct, that the average M$ user 
hasn't a clue and leaves the defaults set in OE or whatever.

Since they without doubt have a backdoor for the snooping agencies, this 
exposes my mail to these people for 1000's of times longer (If I do it 
once a week for instance) compared to fetchmail pulling and deleting it 
every 3 minutes.  Its also a cast iron bitch to maintain, requiring me 
to log into the webmail portal, move the old mail to the trash 100 at a 
time, then finally discover by clicking on the trash that the 29000 
messages I just deleted are in the trash folder and still readable, and 
it takes their machines about 5 minutes and several more clicks on the 
ok button popup to delete them too. I hadn't done that since the end of 
may, so all that tomfoolery took about an hour and a half in the night 
last night. :(

However, their spam filtering is truly excellent.

So my question to the fetchmail list last night was how to I convert the 
dele into to a move this msg to trash, and when its done with the 
current login, empty the trash.  I'll probably get ignored based on 
people in hell wanting ice water. :)

I have, live, a 5 machine home network here, and IMO here is where imap 
belongs, so I could do my email from any of these machines by pulling 
from their server with fetchmail, and making it available to any of 
these machines by imaping it. But I have been told, repeatedly, that 
such an interfaceing between the maildir/mailfile filtered incoming 
pop3'd messages database that kmail maintains and a dovecot local server 
working from that email corpus is not possible. TBT, methinks I am being 
lied to. It ought to be a packaged script, apt installable, that needs 
only the local networks address configured to make it usefull.  Not all 
local networks are on

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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