On 2017-09-16, Dan Purgert <d...@djph.net> wrote:
> Greg Wooledge wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 11:00:19PM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
>>> I read the "for backup purposes" as being a euphemism, implying that the
>>> second copy was being kept for nefarious purposes, including so that it
>>> could be reviewed (including by third parties) even if the user had
>>> deleted the "visible" copy.
>> Yes, precisely this.  I thought it was blatantly obvious, but as
>> usual the Internet has corrected my assumptions.
> Hm, I must've missed that message ...
> "Nefarious" or not, anyone worth their salt has backups of their mail
> (be it corporate IT / an ISP / google / whoever), since things fail at
> times.  Hell, I have "dead-tree-backups(tm)" of emails from previous
> employers asking for stupid things that'd break best practices / etc.

I would not wish my ISP to retain a backup for some ulterior purpose of
the private emails that I have expressly deleted.


The recourse to encryption is tempting to the serious-minded; however, I
fear it just red-flags you for further and more exhaustive study.

"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." Groucho

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