On Sat, Oct 07, 2017 at 10:18:51AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday 07 October 2017 07:33:17 Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Well I had to reboot that computer with cackling hyenas in the
> > background saying things like “well you should know not to launch
> > an indefinite number of processes in the background”.
> But yer poking around in my stomping grounds with yur old fart 
> characterizations. Uphill 2 miles in several feet of snow each way to 
> school etc etc.

2 miles of snow? We were -lucky- to have snow ...

> Generally speaking, I'm the real thing, turned 83 this 
> past Wednesday. There is one thing about advanced age, you get to 
> chuckle and grin when you realize you've out-lived the last of your 
> shoot on sight enemies. ;-)

'Tis a monoply I tell ya, a monocley :)

Indeed, you're nearly twice me age - I best be thankful I kin tie me
shoe laces I better... I's gettin rooly old :)

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