On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 6:33 AM, Zenaan Harkness <zen...@freedbms.net> wrote:

> Welp, ye olde Pentium 90 with 128Megabytes (‼‼!! - no such thing as
> ISO standard Mibibytes in those days, it was all completely diffident
> you see), and dang! did that computer crawl, and slow down, and
> basically came to a halt after a while as X window after X window
> steadily, slowly, then really slowly, opened up, one after another
> (now listen all you whippasnapperas, no laughing matter ok, we didn't
> have kernel mode setting, process groups and CPU affinities - just
> getting enough affinity between the graphics card and the mother
> bored was challenge enough I tells ya!)

Shoot ;-)
I used to run linux on a 4MB (yes 4) 40MHz 386. The 0.96 kernel from the
Linux Universe distro, long gone I think.
It took Xwindows about 10 min to start (twm). But once it was up it was
pretty snappy. Rebuilt the kernel on it once. Took about 5 hours....

> > Cheers
> > -- t
> >

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