On 02/16/2018 10:53 AM, songbird wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:
I have no problem with different applications being open in each workspace.

What I would like would be to be able to do is have differing sets of
applications available in each workspace.

   under System->Preferences->Personal->Options make sure
you have checked the box for automatically remembering
started applications.

   then, set up your workspaces and when you turn off the
machine use System->Shutdown->Shutdown and it should remember
all of your open windows and where they were located.

   works for me...

That's not quite what I'm trying to accomplish.
When I shut down the machine for the day I want to exit all apps.
I currently get pretty much that. If an application has modified a file but not saved it, I'm prompted for instructions.

What I would like would be to have differing sets of applications available in each workspace.

Currently all workspaces have icons to access *_identical sets_* of applications.

I wish each workspace to have a set of tools applicable for a specific project.

For example:
Workspace 1 devoted to programming would have a programmer's text editor, compile/link/load utilities, and an IDE. Workspace 2 devoted to a dissertation on Mesopotamian Architecture would have a word processor, note taking software, an outlining utility, and a link to a browser to bring up the university's online catalog.
Workspace 3 devoted to a fishing blog would have web authoring tools.

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