On 02/19/2018 05:06 AM, songbird wrote:
you want launchers instead of actually running
programs?  in this age of SSDs and plenty of memory
i can tell you that i get done exactly what you want
with groups of programs running in each desired
desktop and it doesn't involve me having to wait
for anything to start or click on when i change

   if i don't change anything in most of the open
applications then it doesn't matter if i kill them
off by shutting down from a command line.  next time
i boot the machine they're there waiting for me by
the time i sit down.

   so to me you are making more work for yourself
having to click items open.

   installing a completely different desktop just
because you don't like what is in the panel or on the
desktop (mate tweak will turn off all or some of the
desktop icons) for launchers strikes me as throwing
out the baby with the bathwater.

   another option (of similar sillyness IMO) is to
set up a different user for each group of items you
want in the desktop and panel.  it isn't too bad to
switch users and you can have your most common first
desktop/user logged in automatically when you boot
up.  but, again, oy...


There are three users on my system.  Myself, my wife and my daughter.  When the system is booted we each log on and run startx.  I log on from tty1, my wife and daughter are on tty2 and tty3.  All it takes to switch from one login to another is ctl-alt-f1, ctl-alt-f2, or ctl-alt-f3.  The switch is instantaneous.  Just remember -- they are separate logins.  You can not copy and paste from one to another.


alias startx='clear; startx -- :0'

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