On 07/23/2018 07:56 AM, floris wrote:
Richard Owlett schreef op 2018-07-21 17:02:
Just installed/used wine for first time ever.

The Wine version in Debian Stable is very old and unsupported. You should use the WineHQ packages or use the version from Backports

Did that
done dat
I've T shirt

I attempted to run an installer which asks a typical set of questions
to which I chose the defaults. It is setup to run a demo on
completion. The demo appears to run correctly. I ran the same
installer on a WinXP machine which appears to run identically.

I have two problems.
On exiting the installer nothing has actually been written to disk

Wine uses a hidden folder ~/.wine as it default location. Did you check that location?


Second, early in the question asking phase, a message appears on my console:
$ err:trash:TRASH_MoveFileToBucket Couldn't move file

That is the message that prompted this post.
What is it trying to say?
Is there a catalog of Wine error messages (didn't find one)?

In Wine version 3.12 there isn't such message.

Oh *NO*
u answered question ???

You could read the FAQ, the manual and the forum on winehq.org if you look for error messages.


I was vainly attempting to determine that what I saw on my console was a WINE or an APPLICATION error message.

It has been *YEARS* since I've actually used my WinXP machine. Don't know how to copy/find appropriate file(s) on my WinXp machine in order that WINE might attempt to execute.

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