Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 07/21/2018 04:46 PM, cyaiplexys wrote:
>> Try CherryTree. I use that program for everything. It's cross-platform. 
>> I download it from the web site instead of using the version in the 
>> Debian Repo as the latest version fixes some annoying bugs (of which I 
>> kinda forgot what but would quickly be reminded if I used the repo 
>> version).
>> I think that would be useful for categorizing questions and you can even 
>> search through them. If you want to save to PDF or HTML, it can export 
>> to those formats as well.
>> I've used CherryTree for everything from keeping code snippets to 
>> installation instructions to writing up tutorials (and exporting to HTML).
> I've installed CherryTree 0.38.5 from their site.
> It can do everything I need *IF* I manually enter all the data.
> I'm trying to import a large set of SeaMonkey bookmarks (a SQLite file).
> When using SQLite commands I can create a CSV file with only the 
> information of interest.
> The CherryTree 0.38.5 manual explicitly states that CSV can be imported. 
> But there is no menu item in the actual program.
> The CSV has the required information to describe the node/sub-node 
> structure in explicit detail.
> Suggestions?

  learn how to search?

  i found this within a few seconds:

  seems simple enough...


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