On Wed, 24 Apr 2019 12:36:29 -0500
Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:

> I'm attempting a very minimal install because:
> 1. small size in and of itself is a good goal
> 2. fending for oneself is a valuable educational experience compared
>     to having everything handed to you on a "golden platter" {Debian's
>     default installer}
> My current experiments revolve around defining my personal take on a 
> minimal MATE desktop. Part of the motivation is that some recommended 
> packages clash with ones I wish to use. Just removing offending
> packages after the fact is unaesthetic.
> My test machine has both a default install from DVD 1 and my
> minimalist install. I had done a standard install without specifying
> any GUI or extra packages.
> My base setup was installed by doing
>    apt-get --no-install-recommends install task-mate-desktop
>    apt-get install pluma gparted synaptic
> All it lacks is internet connectivity.
> I have a WiFi hotspot from T-mobile which I effectively use as a
> modem (WiFi is intentionally disabled). On the standard install it
> appears eth2 on Network Manager Applet.
> I used Synaptic to install network-manager-gnome
> The apparent problem is that connecting the hotspot does dot trigger
> the "connecting" icon.
> How do I determine what else I need to install?
> [Recall point #2 in my first paragraph ;]

Difficult to say without knowing what you don't have. Can you specify
an 'automatic' connection with Network Manager? If not, you probably
need dhcpcd. NM gains abilities according to what helper programs are


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